Do some research, read a book (by the way I have a good book list to your right if you wanna choose one from there), go on a hike, do something that you've never done before to get that much needed inspiration and motivation back! Expand your mind like the GALAXY. Try to talk about something you've never thought about before.
Plus if you're a blogger yourself and you're having writers block or if you're an artist or musician and are stuck with the same old thing, take this advice. So something to think about is, whatever you do, see if you can stretch your mind to think of it in a new way. The noodle on the lower right hand corner is questioning why he's being brainwashed and is clearly upset about it haha. Then I started to make a story behind my artwork, which is ALWAYS something you should do to create good art! My concept behind this is that the more plain macaroni noodles were worshiping the more interesting noodles that make up the pyramid. I thought of the "all seeing eye" and idealism and how I could connect the two ideas together.
but as I thought about how to make this piece interesting, I expanded my mind to create something much more interesting to both me and the viewer. So I got comfortable with the idea of drawing noodles and the different kinds. The assignment was to draw a still life of a bunch of different noodles. Look above at the noodle piece I drew yesterday. Thanks for listening! Comment - I love to read them! Plus it gets you writing haha ~ Arianna And if you like it well there you go, share it & love it :) If you're some literature scholar then I apologize if you come to the conclusion that it's terrible poetry haha. Some of the things I write end up to be poems. See what you've been needing to tell yourself, you might be surprised. Open a word document, start a blog, buy a journal, grab a piece of paper. So! If you haven't written something for yourself (not school or work related) in awhile then go ahead. If you hate the idea written on the paper, burn it or rip it up so you yourself can symbolically burn it inside of you, and forget it (if it's something you need to forget). You can also give a piece of writing to someone, or write something that you needed to say a long time ago but never got the chance to say it to them in person. Point is, writing is a very powerful tool and is very much an art form.
If they're special to you, tuck them away where you'll always be able to revisit them. Making thoughts exist on paper becomes significant to a human because you can do many things with those words. That's why I think it's so important to keep a blog, or a journal if you don't want it to be public. There's something about creation that comes so naturally to humans, and in the end, it helps us in more ways than we realize. Writing! Scroll Down For Poem by Arianna HallĪll my life I've written, no matter what it's about, I keep writing.